Virtual Lecture: “Ethics for the Anthropocene”.

Date: September 29, 2020


5:00pm – 6:00pm


Larry R. Churchill, PhD
Ann Geddes Stahlman Professor of Medical Ethics, Emeritus Vanderbilt University

The anthropocene is the current geological age – the period in which human activity is the dominant influence on climate and the environment. Addressing climate change requires an ethical transition from “me” to “we.” So does coping with Covid-19. This lecture invites us to think differently about environmental and social justice, for now and for the future, in this anthropocene age.

Dr. Churchill has published widely in medical ethics, including research with human subjects, end of life decision-making, social justice, the ethics of U.S. health policy, and informed consent. He has studied the relationships between clinicians and their patients, focusing on virtues and values   that   have   been underappreciated, and on how to translate knowledge of healing skills into medical education and practice. Dr. Churchill is a member of National Academy of Medicine (elected 1991) and a Fellow of The Hastings Center (elected 2000). His most recent books are Healers: Extraordinary Clinicians at Work (2012), What Patients Teach: The Everyday Ethics of Health Care (2013), and Ethics for Everyone (2020). In this lecture, Dr. Churchill asks us to enlarge our moral vision to a planetary future.

The lecture will be presented as a Zoom webinar followed by a live Q&A/discussion.

Attendance is free but registration is required. Please register here.

For further information please contact

Thank you to our sponsors:

Wake Forest University Bioethics Graduate Program

Wake Forest University Program for Leadership and Character

Wake Forest University Humanities Institute,

(made possible by a major grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities)