Exploring Ethics Conference Series: “Ethical Issues in the Emergency/Medicine/Law Enforcement Relationship”

Date : 02/18/2020


12:00 pm – 1:00 pm


Arthur Derse, MD, JD, Director and Professor, Center for Bioethics and Medical Humanities, Medical College of Wisconsin


Conference Rooms 1A and 1B, 1st Floor of the Comprehensive Cancer Center, WFBMC

Summary of Talk

Health care professionals (including emergency physicians) may have frequent interactions with police officers who are investigating alleged crimes. These officers may make requests or demands of health care professionals regarding patients. How should health care professionals respond to these demands? When should health care professionals comply and when should they refuse demands from law enforcement? What should be done when these demands conflict with what we health care professional understand to be our professional obligations to our patients? What ethical and legal challenges arise and how should they be analyzed and, if possible, resolved?


Registration Link:  https://northwestahec.wakehealth.edu/courses-and-events/62495/exploring-ethicsethical-issues-in-the-emergency-medicinelaw-enforcement-relationship or register on site.