Performable Case Study – “Perhaps A Level Field” – The (Bio)Ethics of Third-Party Litigation Funding

Performed by Spring 2016 Performable Case Studies Class (BIE 727)

Monday 25 April 7:00-8:00 pm

Room 409, Benson University Center, Wake Forest University

The case concerns the ways in which a person who has been injured by a medical device or a questionable medical intervention can become a means to a lucrative end — “investment” or “claim asset” — due to the growing financial services practice of lending to plaintiffs and plaintiffs’ attorneys in class action litigation.

Whether this is exploitative or empowers plaintiffs with pecuniary resources that would otherwise be out of reach — “leveling the field” — is one of a number of issues that the case study interrogates, through the experience of a medically and legally vulnerable patient.

Refreshments to follow

For further information about the Bioethics Seminar Series, please contact Stephanie Reitz:

<> or 758-4256. Website: