PLEASE JOIN US FOR A BIOETHICS LECTURE by Dena Davis, JD, PhD (Presidential Endowed Chair in Health, Lehigh University)
Getting Out While the Getting’s Good: Why Advance Directives Don’t Work for Dementia
Thursday, March 23, 5:00-6:00pm at the Z. Smith Reynolds Library Auditorium, Room 404, Reynolda Campus, Wake Forest University
Dr. Davis has a range of scholarly interests that is broad and deep. She has long worked in bioethics, as well as in issues of church & state and religion & law. In bioethics, she focuses primarily on genetic research, Alzheimer’s Disease, reproductive technology and genetics, and decision making at the end of life. Many of her published articles have become bioethics teaching standards. Most recently, she has collaborated with a social scientist to examine public opinion about health care decisionmaking for people with dementia.
Attendance is free. Reception to follow.
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