Bioethics Seminar – “The Grand Inquisitor: Toward an Ethics of Medical Narrative”

TERRENCE HOLT, MD, PhD, , Assistant Professor, Social Medicine & Director of Literature, Medicine, UNC School of Medicine – Chapel Hill

Holt PhotoDr. Holt taught English literature and creative writing before entering medical school. He is not only an academic physician with a diverse geriatric practice and a wide range of scholarly and teaching interests, including narrative medicine, but also an acclaimed author of both fiction and nonfiction. He directs UNC-Chapel Hill’s new master’s program in Literature, Medicine, and Culture, and describes his clinical work as “fascinating and deeply rewarding,” adding: “[M]oving between literature and medicine deepens my understanding and practice of both.” His most recent book, Internal Medicine, is a collection of short stories about physicians and patients.

Dr. Holt’s book “Internal Medicine:  A Doctor’s Stories”  will be available for purchase at the bookstore prior to the talk and at the talk on the 22nd September.
5:00-6:00 PM, Reception to follow
Z. Smith Reynolds Library Auditorium, Room 404, Wake Forest University