Lisa Hammon, RN, BSN, MA (‘12) was appointed to the American Society for Healthcare Risk Management …

Lisa Hammon, RN, BSN, MA (‘12) was appointed to the American Society for Healthcare Risk Management Professional Ethics Committee for a two year term starting in January 2013. The ASHRM Professional Ethics Committee is charged with the following: To investigate and make recommendations to the Board of Directors concerning issues of compliance with the Conflict of Interest policies of the Society as well as compliance with the Society’s Code of Professional Responsibility (9/17/2012)

Co-Director of the Bioethics Graduate Program is elected to the Fellows Council of the Hastings Center

The Fellows Council consists of eight Hastings Center Fellows, elected for two year terms, renewable once, and the Center’s President.  The Fellows Council is responsible for facilitating Hastings Center Fellows’ involvement with the work of the Center and many other duties.  Read more about the Hastings Center Fellows Council and Mark Hall.

Michael Tennison, MA in Bioethics (’10), publishes “Neuroscience, Ethics, and National Security: The State of the Art”

Master of Arts in Bioethics graduate, Michael Tennison, published this essay in collaboration with Jonathan D. Moreno.  Tennison’s work explores the ethics of neuroscience research when utilized for national security/military purposes.  Mr. Tennison current serves as a Research Associate for the Presidential Commission for the Study of Bioethical Issues.  Read the full article here.

Mark A. Hall, JD, offers observations of the Supreme Court Health Care Reform deliberations in the New England Journal of Medicine

Mark A. Hall, JD, Co-Director of the Master of Arts in Bioethics program, observed in person the extended Supreme Court deliberations of the Affordable Care Act and offered his reflections to the New England Journal of Medicine.  You can read Mark’s comments here.  Learn more about Mark here.

Ana Iltis, CBHS Director, comments on the alleged denial of kidney transplant related to mental disability

Ana Iltis, PhD, Director of the WFU Center for Bioethics, Health & Society, comments in a WFMY story on the case of Amelia Rivera, whose mother claims that Amelia is being denied a kidney transplant because of Amelia’s mental disability.  You can see the WFMY story here.

John Moskop adresses the issue of industry gifts to physicians

John Moskop, PhD, Wu Professor of Biomedical Ethics, discusses the ethics of industry gifts to physicians in “Gifts to Physicians from Industry: The Debate Evolves”, published in the Annals of Emergency Medicine.  Read the full article here.

Michael Tennison, JD, MA (‘10) Completed an internship and served as a Research Associate

Michael Tennison, JD, MA (‘10) Completed an internship as well as served as a Research Associate with the Presidential Commission for the Study of Bioethical Issues.  For more information on The Presidential Commission for the Study of Bioethical Issues visit their website. (11/28/2011)

Triad Business Journal notes the rising demand for formal education in bioethics.

The Business Journal of the Greater Triad region published two stories relevant to bioethics graduate education.  The first describes the rising demand for formal bioethics education which arises, in part, from a growing biotechnology business sector.  The second gives examples of bioethics-related job opportunities.  You can find more information at The Business Journal website.

Bioethics Master’s Graduate accepts position with Presidential Commission

Michael Tennison, a recent alumnus and former Center for Bioethics, Health & Society Fellow, has accepted a position with the Presidential Commission for the Study of Bioethical Issues.  Michael completed an internship with the Commission in the fall and has agreed to remain as a Research Associate.  For more information on The Presidential Commission for the Study of Bioethical Issues visit their website.

Nancy M. P. King quoted in article on “Bioterrorist Battles” in TheScientist Magazine.

Nancy M. P. King, Co-Director of the Center for Bioethics, Health & Society, and Professor, Department of Social Sciences & Health Policy, is quoted in an article from TheScientist Magazine, “Bioterrorist Battles”, which proposes utilizing flu vaccines as a means to test treatment for other potential bioterrorism threats.  You can read the full article here.  Learn more about Nancy’s work here.