
Bioethics Seminar: What Study Participants Can Teach Us About Research Ethics

Date: October 31, 2019


4:30pm – 5:30pm


Rebecca Dresser, JD, MS


Bowman Gray Center for Medical Education

Rebecca Dresser, JD, MS
Daniel Noyes Kirby Professor & Professor of Ethics in Medicine, Emerita
School of Law, Washington University in St. Louis

Auditorium, Rm 5107, 5th floor
Bowman Gray Center for Medical Education (BGCME)
475 Vine Street, Winston-Salem, NC 27101

Rebecca Dresser’s extensive research and writing about research ethics and policy has been highly influential in health law and bioethics.  Her most recent book, Silent Partners: Human Subjects and Research Ethics, explores the many contributions that patients who have been research subjects can make to improving the design and conduct of research with human subjects.  Now that patient-centered outcomes have been acknowledged as important, even central to clinical trials, Professor Dresser’s perspective on the challenges and rewards of involving experienced subjects respectfully and productively is essential learning for anyone interested in clinical research.

Refreshments to follow – Auditorium Lobby Bowman Gray Center for Medical Education,
475 Vine Street, Winston-Salem, NC 27101