Graduate Program in Bioethics well represented at recent annual conference for the American Society of Bioethics & Humanities

The American Society for Bioethics and Humanities held this year on the 16th-19th October 2014 in San Diego, CA was well represented by the following from the Wake Forest University Graduate Program in Bioethics. Graduate Students were sponsored by Wake Forest University’s Center for Bioethics Health & Society.

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Kathryn Raliski Pham, MA (‘13) participates in panel discussion

Kathryn Raliski Pham, MA (‘13) participated in a panel discussion on “Justice & Peace Have Kissed:  The Inclusive Posture of Just War Theory” at the American Society for Bioethics and Humanities Annual Conference (10/2014)

Meghan Hall, MA Counseling, MA Bioethics (‘15) presented a paper

Meghan Hall, MA Counseling, MA Bioethics (‘15) presented a paper in the session “Explorations of Surgery” with the title “Surgical Innovations  and Human Research” at the American Society for Bioethics and Humanities Annual Conference (10/2014)  as well as presented a paper entitled “Complicating Features of Infant & Child & the Need for Neonatal & Pediatric Planning for Organ Donation” at the American Society for Bioethics and Humanities Annual Conference (10/2014)

Bioethics Seminar – 13 November – Reflections on Procreative Ethics


JOIN US FOR A BIOETHICS LECTURE: Reflections on Procreative Ethics


Thursday, 13 November, 4:00-5:00 pm
Z. Smith Reynolds Library Auditorium, Room 404
Reynolda Campus, Wake Forest University

Professor of Philosophy, George Washington University and
Senior Research Fellow, Department of Bioethics, National Institute of Health





David DeGrazia is an American moral philosopher specializing in bioethics and animal ethics. He is Professor of Philosophy at George Washington University, where he has taught since 1989, and the author or editor of several books on ethics, including Taking Animals Seriously: Mental Life and Moral Status (1996),Human Identity and Bioethics (2005), and Creation Ethics: Reproduction, Genetics, and Quality of Life (2012). DeGrazia is also a Senior Research Fellow in the Department of Bioethics, National Institutes of Health

Reception to follow



BREAKING NEWS – Center for Bioethics leading faculty named to Institute of Medicine

Professor Mark Hall named among newest members of the Institute of Medicine

Professor Mark Hall

Professor Mark Hall

Wake Forest University Law and School of Medicine Public Health Sciences Professor Mark Hall has been elected to the Institute of Medicine (IOM), a subset of the prestigious National Academy of Sciences.

Hall, the Fred D. & Elizabeth L. Turnage Professor of Law, is one of the nation’s leading scholars specializing in law, health care delivery, economics and bioethics. The Wake Forest community has high regard for Hall who, according to the IOM, is the only Reynolda Campus faculty member and the fifth School of Medicine faculty member to be elected to the Institute.

Wake Forest Provost Rogan Kersh praised Hall’s election to the IOM, stating, “Mark Hall is a virtuoso scholar and colleague. His is among the most prominent scholarly voices nationally on contemporary health-policy and health-law issues. Somehow he also manages to sustain a deeply devoted student following; serve as a key member of Wake Forest’s Center for Bioethics, Health and Society, which he helped found; and contribute in myriad ways to enhancing the life of both our law and medical schools–as one example, he is vice-chair of the search committee for a new law school dean.  What a magnificent choice for this high academic honor.”


Click here for full story:  Professor Mark Hall, JD named to Institute of Medicine

Bioethics Seminar – 23 October – The Challenge of Medical Humanities in Medical Education

JOIN US FOR A BIOETHICS LECTURE: The Challenge of Medical Humanities in
Medical Education

Thursday, 23 October, 4:00-5:00 pm
Z. Smith Reynolds Library Auditorium, Room 404
Reynolda Campus, Wake Forest University
Julia & David Uihlein Professor of Medical Humanities, Professor of Bioethics & Emergency Medicine, Director of the Center for Bioethics & Medical Humanities, Medical College of Wisconsin

Arthur Derse is the Director of the Center for Bioethics and Medical Humanities and Julia and David Uihlein Professor of Medical Humanities, and Professor of Bioethics and Emergency Medicine at the Medical College of Wisconsin. Dr. Derse is a past president of the American Society for Bioethics and Humanities, chair of the National Ethics Committee of the Veterans Health Administration, ‘ member and past chair of the Ethics Committee of the American College of Emergency Physicians, and a member of the board of the American Society for Law, Medicine and Ethics.
Reception to follow

For further information about the Bioethics Seminar Series, please contact Stephanie Reitz: or 758-4256.

Bioethics Seminar – October 9 – Ethical Issues in Comparative Effectiveness Research

JOIN US FOR A BIOETHICS LECTURE:  Ethical Issues in Comparative Effectiveness Research

Thursday, 9 October, 4:00-5:00 pm, Z. Smith Reynolds Library Auditorium, Room 404, Reynolda Campus, Wake Forest University

Clinical Professor of Pediatrics & Clinical Professor of Epidemiology & Population Health, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, New York

Many health care facilities and medical practices are doing more and more research designed to increase understanding of current “standard of care” treatments: how well they work, how much they cost, whether their benefits can be increased and their side effects reduced. Although it seems we should already know the answers to those questions, many medical treatments have been introduced into practice without a lot of formal research, for both historical and practical reasons. Comparative effectiveness research compares different standard treatments to answer some or all of these questions. Yet it has sometimes been controversial, raising questions like “Is this really research, or is it treatment, or both?”, and creating confusion about what is known and not known already, what should be disclosed in the consent form and process, and sometimes whether informed consent is needed at all. Everyone who might in the future be a patient, a research subject, a health care provider, a researcher, or an IRB member should be interested in learning more about ethical issues in comparative effectiveness research.

Reception to follow

For further information about the Bioethics Seminar Series, please contact Stephanie Reitz: <> or 758-4256. Website:

Bioethics Seminar – 11 September 2014 – Spirituality and Religion in Critical Illness

JOIN US FOR A BIOETHICS LECTURE:                                      

Spirituality and Religion in Critical Illness

Thursday, 11 September, 4:00-5:00 pm

Z. Smith Reynolds Library Auditorium, Room 404,  Reynolda Campus,

Wake Forest University

Thomas McCormick, D Min, Senior Lecturer Emeritus, Dept of Bioethics & Humanities, School of Medicine, University of Washington

Thomas McCormick is Senior Lecturer Emeritus in the Department of Bioethics and Humanities, University of Washington School of Medicine.  In 1974, he developed the School of Medicine’s first program in medical ethics. He has taught a variety of elective courses in bioethics there, and was responsible for bringing ethics into the core curriculum. In addition to his extensive teaching and publication, Dr. McCormick is currently an ethics consultant to Harborview Medical Center and an adjunct professor in bioethics at the School of Medicine, Midwestern University, Glendale Branch, Glendale, Arizona.

Reception to follow.

Blake Winston, MA (‘13) Publishes Article in Journal of Emergency Medical Services

Blake Winston, MA (‘13) published an article in the Journal of Emergency Medical Services – A Review of the Updated NAEMT Code of Ethics(6/13/2014)

Alumnus, Blake Winston, has article published in Journal of Emergency Medical Services – A Review of the Updated NAEMT Code of Ethics


To read article click here:  A Review of the Updated NAEMT Code of Ethics .